On the existence of ethereal dimensions - 18 July 2014

Those who have passed away, those who have gone ahead to the great skies above, do they come back to us, to talk to us in our dreams, and is it a real experience when their memories are extremely vivid in our minds while we sleep and after we are aware of our dreams? Can we go back to our sleep and our dreams because we do not want those precious moments to go away?

That which happens in our dreams, or as we are in deep sleep, is explained as something that has happened in our subconscious. Therefore there is a deliberate perception that what has happened, is not true. What if it were to be true? What if the events in our dreams cannot be interpreted truly by today's systems and sciences?

The ancient stories are replete with instances of astral journeys, of multi-dimensional living and of existence at different places at the same time. These are all categorised as presumptive stories and are not considered as true. What if they were to be true? Today's science needs proof, and for a theory to be postulated, systems require scientific proof to be repeated with the same set of circumstances.

The circumstances and sequence of events can certainly be repeated if the situations exist within our dimension of known truths - i.e., life and death. What if there were other dimensions that are not congruent with the known dimension of physical existence as we know it to be? The existence of other dimensions cannot be untrue or cannot be proven by physical laws as we know them.

If the act of dreaming, or of recounting events that can be met with in our dreams again and again, and of meeting those who are not alive, are allegorical to that of another dimension, an ethereal dimension, then one can look forward to sleep, in order to meet those whom we have lost and will not meet again.

What would be the precursors? If a loved one was gone at a very infant age, would the loved one grow in height and progress in age as the years go by? May not actually happen as such, because our ability to accept the person is limited to our physical logic. We knew them to be at a certain age, and even in our dreams, we cannot recognise them as having grown or become a different person. We look for them to be as they were, and we want them to be as they were known to us, when they were alive!

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